How lovely to have a blogspot! And thanks, Steve, for the Scottish update. As the blog is fairly new, I thought readers might like some background to these Child Bereavement UK projects. Last year, with DH funding, we commenced a three-year project to enhance bereavement support initiatives in six of England’s more deprived areas. This has led us to Hull, Hackney, Liverpool, Middlesbrough, Newham and Stoke, meeting with other voluntary organisations, schools, health practitioners, MP’s, and more. We’re already improving signposting to services and liaison between various agencies through the Advisory Groups and the seminars we've held.
September 2013 saw us celebrating the first year of the England project, as well as the commencement of the Scottish project.
L-R: Ann Rowland, Director of Bereavement Services; Rich Stafford, Localities Development Co-ordinator (North); Shirley Potts, Director of Regional Development; Ann Chalmers, CEO Child Bereavement UK; Liz Morgan, Localities Development Co-ordinator (South)
In the last couple of weeks we held conferences in Hull and Stoke, mostly aimed at education folk and partnering a local charity in each area, and Liz has been busy supporting a CHYPS programme at Richard House Children’s Hospice in Newham. We are so grateful for the contacts we’ve been able to develop in each of our areas – we’ve met some great people who share our passion for raising awareness about bereavement support. Next week Rich and I are in Middlesbrough for four days and look forward to forging more relationships there – but more about that next time we blog!
Shirley Potts